

Dr. Matt GotschallWelcome to 中央社区学院 where our mission is to maximize student and community success. Not only locally, but at the state, 区域、国家和国际层面, 我们致力于为世界带来积极的变化. We highly value education of ourselves and others on sustainability topics and initiatives, 包括在内布拉斯加州中部的示范项目. 这些项目包括1.7-megawatt wind turbine at our Hastings Campus; high energy efficiency/renewable standards incorporated into our new Kearney Center; Grand Island Bee Campus USA designation; and pollinator gardens installed at our campuses in Columbus, 格兰德岛和黑斯廷斯. We have enhanced cooperative learning activities between the Agriculture, 酒店管理和烹饪艺术课程, 同时在众多学科中创建电子徽章.

在CCC,我们将环境可持续性定义为满足“当前的需求而不损害后代满足其自身需求的能力”(1987年布伦特兰报告)。.  This is especially important for central Nebraska regions so dependent upon clean water, fresh air and productive soils to grow the food needed to help feed the world. We have come a long way since first initiating more sustainable practices, but know we have farther to go in order to reach climate-neutral impacts by 2034.

3C Initiative请花点时间进一步浏览本网站,了解我们如何努力成为我们环境的好管家,以及您如何通过您今天的行动成为支持子孙后代的一部分.

Matt Gotschall, PhD


Signatory of

Climate Leadership     SEED Initiative

Member Of

aashe member     U.S. 绿色建筑委员会     内布拉斯加州回收委员会



中央社区学院的环境可持续发展行动计划(ESAP)阐明了这一承诺, goals and actions CCC is taking to be a great steward of our environment – for our students, 社区与地球.

Energy Conservation



Computer management

减少电脑设备对能源的需求, 屏幕在10分钟后进入节能模式, sleep after 30 minutes and into hibernation after two hours of inactivity.

Temperature set-back

CCC utilizes a temperature set-back in buildings during unoccupied times such as nights and weekends. 这样可以在夏季提高温度,在冬季降低温度,从而减少用于加热和冷却无人居住的建筑物的能源.

Renewable Energy


A partnership between CCC, Bluestem Energy and the City of Hastings led to completion of a 1.7-megawatt wind turbine in December 2016 on the Hastings Campus. When operating, this turbine provides most of the electricity needed for the campus.




CCC在格兰德岛和黑斯廷斯校区以及科尔尼中心都有地热系统. Geothermal systems use the ground as a heat source in the winter and a heat sink in the summer, 从而减少了加热和冷却建筑物的能源需求.


2018年5月,CCC购买了350股,共计52股.5兆瓦时/月,来自科尔尼SunWise社区太阳能项目. 这是内布拉斯加州最大的社区太阳能电池阵列项目,位于科尔尼东北部56街和羚羊大道的53英亩的Tech One Crossing.

这些份额足以覆盖CCC科尔尼中心每年预计用电量的100%. 通过购买这些股份, CCC通过NPPD与太阳能开发商SoCore Energy之间的购电协议(PPA)锁定了公用事业费率.


Total solar energy production for the solar array can be viewed here.

Zero Waste


通过在格兰德岛和黑斯廷斯校区以及科尔尼中心采用单流回收,CCC使回收比以往任何时候都更容易, 世界学习中心和大学公园. 单流回收意味着所有可回收材料可以混合在CCC的蓝色回收箱中. When in doubt, 您可以参考位于蓝色回收箱前面的回收海报或本网站,了解您所在地区可以回收的物品.



与Trex合作, CCC在哥伦布号上增加了一个塑料薄膜回收箱, 格兰德岛和黑斯廷斯 campuses as well as the Kearney Center. The plastic film that is collected is reused to produce Trex eco-friendly outdoor decking. 在这些箱子里可以回收的物品是购物袋, bread bags, newspaper sleeves, food storage bags, produce bags, ice bags, 谷物衬垫等. For a complete list, please see the poster on the front of the bin. CCC已经回收了超过500磅. of plastic film and received a bench made of recycled plastic bags from Trex. 长凳位于哥伦布校园传粉者花园.


Bike share

共享单车由学院拥有的10辆自行车组成,任何CCC的学生或员工都可以在CCC-哥伦布或CCC- grand Island免费借出. The bikes will be available for checkout any day in the spring, summer and fall. 请访问我们的网站了解如何注册.

Bike fixit station

与中区卫生局合作, 在斯图尔博物馆和281号高速公路之间的格兰德岛小道上,CCC增加了一个diy自行车修理站, 在霍尔县公园和ccc -格兰岛之间. The fixit station includes all the tools necessary to perform basic bike repairs and maintenance, 从换轮胎到调整刹车和变速器. 还有一个带气压计的空气泵站.


CCC has 12 gasoline-electric hybrid fleet vehicles across all three campuses and the Kearney center. These hybrid vehicles are more fuel-efficient than traditional gasoline vehicles.

Food Services


The HMRM program on the Hastings Campus runs its own dining service in the Platte Building. They have a vegetable and herb garden that is used when creating dishes, and two compost bins to turn food waste into compost that can be used in the vegetable garden. 他们还将可持续发展实践纳入课程,并计划每年举办一次可持续发展活动.


Each campus has water bottle fill-up stations installed with the drinking fountains. 学生和员工可以用这些来补充他们的水瓶过滤和冷冻水,而不是使用一次性瓶装水.


CCC contracts with Chartwells for dining services on all three campuses. 查特韦尔致力于通过在当地采购食物和减少食物浪费来实现可持续的食品实践.



感谢内布拉斯加州州立植物园的资助, 2017年8月,哥伦布校区增加了一个传粉者花园. It is located south of the Facilities Management Office near the orchard trees. The garden is approximately 7,200 square feet and has about 1,460 flowers, grasses and shrubs.


2017年9月,格兰德岛校区增加了一个传粉者花园,并获得了与哥伦布校区相同的拨款. 传粉者花园位于工业技术中心大楼的东侧. 这里有超过25种不同的本地植物, phase one of the Grand Island pollinator garden has been completed.


黑斯廷斯HMRM项目获得了CCC的小额赠款,用于授粉者花园,并于2017年夏季种植. 花园在道森大厦的东侧. It is near the HMRM vegetable garden, which will in turn benefit from the pollinators.

Bee Campus USA 

2017年5月,格兰德岛校区被命名为蜜蜂校区. CCC成为美国第29所学校.S. to get the certification and is the only school in Nebraska to be named a Bee Campus. Bee Campus USA rewards schools that educate students on the benefits of pollinators.


eBadge Opportunities

电子徽章项目于2016年秋季启动. 电子徽章是一种奖励,学习者可以在他们的简历和社交媒体网络上与潜在雇主分享. 获得的电子徽章也会出现在CCC的课程成绩单上. CCC students, employees and other persons associated with the college can choose among the options in courses, 由环境可持续发展办公室和整个学院提供的社区教育课程和志愿者和服务学习经验.

There are currently three eBadges offered: Leadership in Environmental Stewardship, Problem Solving, and Symbiosis.


The 能源科技计划 is an Associate of Applied Science offered on the CCC Hastings Campus. Students in the Energy Technology program will he highly trained in how to design, maintain and repair the instruments used to harness wind and solar power and battery storage.

Community Education

Many community education courses at CCC incorporate environmental sustainability. 在社区教育宣传册上, these classes are noted by having one to four leaves next to the name of the class. 一片叶子意味着可持续发展被纳入课程,四片叶子意味着课程只关注可持续发展主题.

Campus Internships

环境可持续性办公室的实习项目始于2014年,并不断发展壮大. Interns take on a variety of duties and apply a variety of skills such as emailing, public speaking, 以下是详细说明, 独立工作和团队合作. 了解我们过去和现在的实习生 here.


可持续发展领导演讲系列(SLPS)是一个每月一次的直播节目,邀请高质量和可信的演讲者就可持续发展以及全球和当地环境问题的区域主题进行演讲. The SLPS is currently in its seventh year at the college with partnerships across the state.


学生可持续发展(S4S)是一个学生组织,向所有对可持续发展或环境感兴趣的CCC学生开放. S4S empowers students to make sustainable changes in their lives through campus projects, 当地社区的努力, and peer education.

Earth Month

每年春天的4月22日地球日前后, CCC在每个校区举办地球月活动,提供可持续发展和环境重要性的教育. 活动包括学生专题展览、演讲和参观. Be on the lookout for more information on this year’s upcoming Earth Month events.

America Recycles Day

CCC在每年的11月10日举办美国回收日. 在哥伦布校区. 美国回收日是美国唯一一个全国公认的致力于促进和庆祝回收的日子.


  • 格兰德岛的收养公路
  • State Fair
  • Recycling Audits
  • Community Walks
  • Summer Camps
  • Community Gardens
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